Advance Assessments provides an independent, efficient and responsive service. We use a tried and tested online system to give your apprentices a 24/7 service. Our assessors are highly qualified and thoroughly experienced, enabling us to quickly understand the most complex apprentice projects.
We work flexibly and our priority is always ease of access for the apprentice. This means that we will offer online assessments at a time to suit your apprentices, recognising the need to adapt to shift and work patterns. We also recognise that completing more than one assessment element on the same day can place an unwanted burden on apprentices, so we take a flexible approach (within the requirements of the published EPA Plan) to the timing of assessments.
If you have any concerns or enquiries, please contact our managing director, Graham Meek graham.meek@advanceassessments.co.uk
Employers can claim a free account with us, enabling you to review the comprehensive online support facilities we offer and monitor the activity of your registered apprentices.