When your employer contacts Advance Assessments to register you for End Point Assessment (EPA) we will email you with your username and password.  Use these details to log-in to the system.

You will find a lot of resources in your personal assessment area.  In particular, please use the interactive spreadsheet checklist in this area and upload it when completed.  This will help you check that you have covered every part of the apprenticeship and have supplied evidence that we can assess to award you the best grade possible.

You will have been allocated a personal upload area for your EPA evidence.  You can use this at a time that suits you.  When you are ready for assessment your Training Provider and Employer will need to complete a 'Gateway Form', which they can upload to the site.   Your Advance Assessments Assessor will contact you to organise your EPA.

When assessment is complete, your feedback and grades will be posted in your personal area.

Last modified: Monday, 10 July 2023, 9:28 AM